Hi everyone, I’m participating in Explore The Elements Photo Blogging Contest! Come and join me for the chance to win £5,000 travel fund and many more exciting prizes!
Explore The Elements Photo Blogging Contest
Welcome to the Thomas Cook Explore the Elements photo blogging competition. It’s all about capturing and expressing the four elements through travel photography.
We’re looking for bloggers to publish photographs they’ve taken which best represent one of the four elements. All the categories are open to your interpretation, so you can be free to take a picture of anything you feel showcases your chosen element.
Once the competition has finished our panel of leading travel experts will come together to select the best photos. Each judge will preside over one category picking a winner from each before they collectively choose an overall winner.
The four individual category winners will receive a MacBook Air, a Fujifilm X-T1 camera, or an iPhone 6 with Bose noise cancelling headphones, depending on their personal choice. The overall winner will be awarded an amazing £5,000 travel fund. Keep up with the conversation using the official hashtag #ExploreTheElements – http://www.thomascook.com/blog/holiday-competitions-deals/explore-the-elements/

Beautiful Sunrise over majestic Mt. Rinjani || Lombok, Indonesia

Self-Portrait at Mangku Sakti Waterfall || Lombok, Indonesia

Fiery Sunset over Dead Trees || Pantai Kelanang, Malaysia

Crescent Moon and Sunset over Caldera De Taburiente || Canary Islands of La Palma, Spain
My Travel Blogger/Photographer Nominations are:
- Kamrul Mansor – Photographer/Timelapser at kamrularifin.com
- Terence Lee – Photographer at terenceleezy.com
- Francesco Gola – Photographer at francescogola.net
- Beboy Photographies – Photographer/Blogger at beboyphoto.com
- Helminadia Ranford – Photographer/Blogger at helminadia.com
Good luck guys! 🙂